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MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks (MR & RW)

Synergy continues to provide basic support to our MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks users. If you need technical support, please submit a ticket.

Installation Instructions

MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks Windows Installation Instructions Clip

MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks Macintosh Installation Instructions Clip


MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks Installers

Windows 7 (32/64 bit) And Above

MacRepertory Downloads

ReferenceWorks Downloads

Windows Users – Copy Protection Device (Sentinel HASP) Driver (Windows 10 | September 2015)

Customers who have the software programs already installed and then upgrade to Windows 10 have been successful without any problems. If you do experience any issues simply download and re-install the Drivers for the Copy Protection Device.

Please note that you need to purchase this repertory first in order to use it in your programs

Mac OS 10.7 And Above

MacRepertory Downloads

ReferenceWorks Downloads

MAC Users With A HASP Key (El Capitan 10.11 | December, 2015)

If you have updated your system to El Capitain and are experiencing any issues using our software programs you will need to download a Driver for the HASP key that is compatible.

Please note that you need to purchase this repertory first in order to use it in your programs

How To Remove MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks From Your Windows PC Tutorial


How To Remove MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks From Your Macintosh Tutorial


Release Notes


Latest Versions:

MacRepertory (English)
ReferenceWorks (English)
MacRepertory (Deutsch)
ReferenceWorks (Deutsch)


MR (October 2019)

Last Full Release:
Last Update:
Bug – “The support files folder is missing” – Fixed.
This bug was originally fixed in but the fix was lost in
This bug only occurs when the user relocates Documents to another drive.
Note: The code fix only works as long as the relocated Documents folder is still called Documents. If they relocate Documents without any folder name MacRepertory will exit without an error message.

Previous Releases

MR (May 2019)
Last Full Release:
Last Update:
The remedy master resource is updated to v22.
The author master resource is updated to v1.5.
New repertories and keynotes added or updated to the full version
-Complete 2019 Repertory
-Murphy’s III Repertory – latest version
-Q Repertory 3rd Edition
-Saine-MMPP Group Additions

MR (August 2018)
Online update only. Previous version is
No code changes.
This following versions will not be able to update –
– German versions prior to – 07/14/15
– English versions prior to – 10/22/2015
New repertories added to the full version and to this update –
– Complete 2018
– Hatherly Lacs Repertory
Keynotes added to or updated in the full version and to this update –
– Borkar Pathology Factor
– Boenninghausen Innominate
– Hatherly Lacs MM
– Levi, Preventing and Healing
– Vermeulen’s Source and Substance (four books)
– Vervarcke,Beyond Mind and Body
The remedy master resource ‘Rmin’ (in MacRepertory.rsr) is updated to v20.
The author master resource ‘AUnm’ (in MacRepertory.rsr) is updated to v1.4.
Country locator data base (GeoIP.dat) for country protected versions is updated to the April 2018
Location of this file –
Correction – In the startup and about dialogs the copyright is corrected to 2018
MR (Dec. 18th, 2017) – RC2
The online update is from version – which was released Jan 2017.
No files changes other than application exe and rsr
* Yakir’s repertory and pdf was missing from the full installer. Fixed.
* All alerts had ReferenceWorks in the title bar. It should say MacRepertory. Fixed.
Reminder – There is a log file specifically for doing lookup in ReferenceWorks. It helps when a customer has problems connecting to RefWorks. It is called “Find RW Log” and is stored out of the way in AppData/Roaming/MacRepertory.
* And I added a message to the startup log file if an error occurs when trying to open ReferenceWorks. It says to look in AppData/Roaming/MacRepertory for the log file: “Find RW Log”.
* Choosing Grade Color from the Preferences dialog showed no color information. Fixed.
Version – (Dec. 11, 2017) – RC1
The previous version is, Jan 2017.
The online updates that were released since then were removed due to McAfee problems.
As you will see from these notes, there are a number of bug fixes and improvements.
Many changes to support work-arounds for Windows 1709 crash.
* Any and every dialog and alert message is vulnerable to this crash.
* Try out as many dialogs as you can (including sub-dialogs of a main dialog).
* The crash would occur when the dialog is closed.
* I Increased the width of user name in About dialog (id 129) from 160 to 225 – similar to RW, to support longer names esp.
German and when user names have numerous titles like Dr. Phd. Esq. etc.
* Bug: In the elimination window, show the eliminated remedies. Control click and choose Copy to Elimination. You get 2 or 3 error messages. Fixed. No more error messages.
* Bug – When locking the copy protection device and it fails, sometimes there is no feedback at all to the user or just a simple failure message. Now there will be a friendly error dialog with an error code that I can use to determine exactly what went wrong.
New Remedy resource i
* The Remedy master resource is updated to Vers 18
-> Hold down the option (alt) key and hover the mouse over the remedy Information button in the Keynotes Window to verify the Remedies version number.
* The Author list version is 1.2.
* Hold down the command (ctrl) key plus the option (alt) key and hover the mouse over the remedy Information button in the Keynotes Windo to see the Authors master list version number.
* Bug #4019 – the right arrow key in the repertory window allowed descending down into a rubric that has no sub-rubrics if it does have cross references, and cross references are showing. Fixed.
-> Example – Open CR 16 or 17
1. Show cross references (Command U)
2. Navigate to a rubric that has cross references but no sub rubrics.
3. Click the right arrow key – it should not descend into that rubric.
* Bug #1535 – Cases not backed up before incorporating changes. This is fixed. I force a backup of an open case right before incorporating changes begins in case it crashes during this process.
* Limit Remedies dialog bugs –
1. All remedies associated with that family are shown.
2. Click clear; the check marks do not clear
3. This is fixed.
* Bug: the program can crash if you click on Expand when remedies are showing. Fixed – I disabled Expand unless Families are showing.
* Sometimes it takes clicking Expand/Collapse more than once.
* Remedies Limit dialog – click a few remedies to select them (i.e. check marks appear), then type a backspace; all check marks were cleared. This is not a proper use of the backspace key. Use the Clear button to clear all checkmarks. I disabled the backspace key from clearing the checks. It is too easy to hit backspace and lose work you have done selecting a set of remedies.
* Improvement – I made the dialog wider so that when viewing Families A-Z you can see more of the text.
* Bug – In the Limits menu (the remedy bottle in the lower left of many windows), Authors was not named clearly.
* All other limits in this menu (polychrests, individual etc) pertain to remedies. This one pertains to authors so it should say that. I renamed it to “Author Limits”.
* Also, all menu items that proceed to a dialog should have ellipses. Ellipses are added to “Author Limits…”
* Bug – Choose Author Limits from the popup Limits menu and select some authors. Click OK. Open the limits again. Make some additional changes to the limits. Click cancel. All limits are cleared and the next time you open the dialog there are no limits. Canceling the dialog should not clear your previous work. Cancel should return you to where you were before you made any changes. Fixed.
* MacRepertory StartUp Log is improved –
* It is in Documents (not the MacRepertory sub-folder which may not be ready)
* Created and used early in the program before the Synergy Homeopathic folder has been validated and even before the resources are loaded that are required for error messages to the user. This is helpful when the program fails before it is fully launched.
* It is always created and left in the Documents folder.
* When locking the hardware key fails, we now add extra info in the “MacRepertory StartUp Log” file to help us track down the problem.
* Updated the HASP installer to 7.60 (7/14/2017)
* Repertory Changes:
* Murphy’s III Repertory rebuilt with corrected source. New repertory date is 2/22/2017
* The Complete 2017 (CR 17) is added to the release.
* Yakirs Botanical Repertory is added.
The help pdf for Yakirs repertory is installed into DocumentsMacRepertory.
MR (July 2017)
* No code change from
* REMD V 10.14
Adding the following optional books:
* Q Rep. 2nd Edition
* Boenninghausen Innominate (Keynotes for free to all)
(Contact your dealer if you are interested in purchasing these books)
MR (June 2017)
* Fixed-if Setting file corrupt the prog. Would not run
* Updated Phatak
* Located Config. easier
* option+drag= cut (not copy)
* Author list V 1.0
* REMD V10.4
* Author list 1.1
* Scholten Fam.Graph row 10 was missing-fixed
* Show section names – spaces them out
* Installer changes: (done for 4276)
– runs on Win 10
– does not uninstall when currently running
– HASP driver updated 7.41.1
– Super Pro driver updated 7.6.8
– Uninstall leaves shared folders
– Find rubric in RW was not working if 32 Bit-fixed
MR (Oct. 2015)
* New Help Menu
* New Installers
* Uninstaller in the application Directory
* Includes corrected versions of Phatak MM, Phatak Rep, Murphy III Rep, Murphy MM
* Murphy: Removed old files, added new:
Old: Murphy Natur’S MM & Murphy Nature’s MM II
New:Murphy Natur’s MMA-T & Murphy Natur’s MM II U-Z
* Replace Eizayga
* Synergy Extras in Document folder is renamed to Synergy Homeopathic Support
* Sentinel SuperPro installer needs to be installed manually (from the above location) it is no longer part of the installation
MR (July 2015)
Books added:
* The Boenninghausen Repertory II (TBR2)
* The Complete 2015 Repertory
Changes done:
* Performance Improvements.
* Minor bug fixes and other improvements
The programs are now digitaliy signed.
New Keynotes:
Vermeulen’s Concordant Reference I, II and II (3 files)
Vermeulen’s Synoptic Reference
New World Vet Rep – free to all users.
New Repertories:
New World Vet Rep II_illus
New World Vet Rep II_photo
(the above two Repertories are identical except for their Icons. Any user who purchased this Rep. will be able to open both)
Q Repertory
* There is a new icon for the application all throughout the program, and on the desktop
* Changed the URL for the Help Menu item “Visit”.
* Fixed the possibility to save an author limit
* Some more minor fixes
REMEDY NAMES and ABBREVIATIONS (since the last Snow Leopard Version)
Corrected [Nat-hchls] from Natrum hyposulphuricum to hypochlorosum.
Added “(see Nat-hchls) “ in [Nat-h.], as it is the same remedy.
Lave [lava-ariz.] was corrected to Lava Arizona.
grp. after the name indicates a Group of Remedies . If it is a mineral, all it’s compounds, mentioned with the family’s name in the program.
Plant Families were added with their full name.
When a remedy is a combination of remedies (one case) -comb was added at the end.

RW (June 2018)

New Remedy List to handle new remedies entered in new books
New Country Restriction database to improve connection issue in Tier 3/4 countries
New Books added by the update:
– Vermeulen’s Source and Substance
– Vermeulen’s Vista Vintage
Corrected books:
– Boenninghausen’s Repertory
– Morrison’s Carbons
– Murphy’s Nature Materia Medica
*READY to receive Complete 2018 Repertory
The book is not included in the update and can be added by a book installer

Previous Releases

RW (Dec. 14th, 2017 – RC1
* Internal cleanup of the code that fixes the Windows 1709 crash but no substantial changes to the logic. It seems to be working based on test feedback.
* Updated the Sentinel HASP installer to 7.60 (7/14/2017)
* The Lib H books (my version 6) are included in the Indexes folder.
* Limit Remedies dialog bugs –
These are the same as the changes just made to this dialog in MacRepertory.
* Bug: Show families and click on a family, then switch to Remedies and choose Show Selected.
1. All remedies associated with that family are shown.
2. Click clear; the check marks do not clear
3. This is fixed.
* Bug: the program can crash if you click on Expand when remedies are showing. Fixed – I disabled Expand unless Families are showing.
* Sometimes it takes clicking Expand/Collapse more than once.
* Remedies Limit dialog – click a few remedies to select them (i.e. check marks appear), then type a backspace; all check marks were cleared. This is not a proper use of the backspace key. Use the Clear button to clear all checkmarks. I disabled the backspace key from clearing the checks. It is too easy to hit backspace and lose work you have done selecting a set of remedies.
* Improvement – I made the dialog wider so that when viewing Families A-Z you can see more of the text.
RW (Nov. 16 2017) – RC1
* Many changes to deal with the Windows 10 version 1709 crash.
* WordFinder bug –
While I was fixing a Word Finder bug for Macintosh I noticed that there was a related error on Windows. Blank lines could turn up in the Related Word list on the right side of the WordFinder window. This is fixed.
* A Startup log file is written to the Documents folder. It contains information that will be useful when ReferenceWorks fails to start properly. I have mentioned this before when I created it a while back.
But now I added much more detailed information to this file.
* The file name is “ReferenceWorks Startup Log”. It is in the actual Documents folder. Not a Synergy or
ReferenceWorks sub folder, because these may not exist.
RW (Nov. 2017)
* Updates to Library H. The Book Set is updated.
The following are added to Lib H+
⦁ Hatherly’s Lacs Repertory (Available for Visionary 2.0 only)
⦁ Ritzer -Erbele’s Provings (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
⦁ Tarak-Ajit’s HTN Rep (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
⦁ Schadde’s Tourmaline (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
⦁ Plouvier-Suijs- The Last Series (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
– Sankaran Reptiles I
– Zahid’s Study Tips
– 55 Existing file are Modified
2 New files:
– Plouvier Last Series
– Kings American Dispensatory
* The remedy master resource list is updated to v18.
* Performance Improvements.
* Minor bug fixes and other improvements.
Updated Book resources for Lib H
Updated Remedy resources for Lib H
* Bug fix: After moving the outer, main window that surrounds the entire application, then quitting and restarting ReferenceWorks, the inner windows are often scrolled out of view. Fixed.
* Like Macintosh, a startup error file “ReferenceWorks Startup Log” is now created in the Documents if the program has to exit before Alerts etc. are available.
* Removed all Completes except for CR 17 because adding CR 17 pushed RW past its limits on a 4 Gig PC. The cleanest solution was to only ship the current CR with the application and all other “legacy” CRs would be handled via separate installers. Removed: 2016, ,2015, 2013, 2005, Millennium.
* Bug – in the start up logic for choosing the configuration file, if the user chooses a file that is not a config file they are asked if they want to try again. If they choose Yes, the program exits. Fixed. The user is now given an option to try again.
* Minor bug fixes
* Remedy lists have been updated
New Books:
Vermeulen’s Concordant Reference
Vermeulen’s Synoptic Reference
(Sales date to be yet announced !!)
* The ReferenceWorks Index master index file has been removed from the installer. This makes the installation much faster when the program first runs.
This means that when the installation is finished, the Indexer will first index all the books.
This also means that the application is smaller on the user’s drive
It makes the download of the application much faster.
REMEDY NAMES and ABBREVIATIONS (same as MacRepertory)


MR (October 2019)

Last full release:
Last Updates:
Bug – “The support files folder is missing” – Fixed.
This bug was originally fixed in DE but the fix was lost in DE.
This bug only occurs when the user relocates Documents to another drive.
Note: The code fix only works as long as the relocated Documents folder is still called Documents. If they relocate Documents without any folder name MacRepertory will exit without an error message.

Previous Releases

MR (May 2019)
Last Full Release:
Last Update:
The remedy master resource is updated to v22.
The author master resource is updated to v1.5.
Change : In the Limit Remedies dialog Expand and Collapse are only enabled when Families (not Families A-Z) are showing.
New repertories and keynotes added or updated to the full version
-Complete 2019 DE Repertory
-Q Rep DE 3rd Edition
-Saine MMPP Keynotes 2004-2015 D
MR (August 2018)
The previous version is
New Repertories:
– Complete 2018 DE Repertory
– Hatherly Lacs Repertory
– Yakir’s Botanical Rep DE
Keynotes added to or updated in the full version and to the update –
– Borkar Pathology Factor
– Hatherly Lacs MM
– Levi, Preventing and Healing
– Stuermer, minimal MM.rsr
– Vermeulen’s Concordant.rsr
– Vermeulen’s Concordant Extra
– Vermeulen’s Prisma (4 books)
– Vermeulen’s Synoptic (2 books)
– Vervarcke,Beyond Mind and Body
– Vermeulen, Prisma DE
Because this is the same source code as it includes the relevant changes. See those release notes for details.
MR DE (Dec. 2017)
* Many changes to support work-arounds for Windows 1709 crash. Most of them are only true if compiling for Windows but there are some cover routines that apply to both. The problem occurred when a dialog or an alert was closed. Fixed
* The Remedy Limits dialog and the Activate Books dialog now share the new larger format that we applied in the English version. German does not have Author limits.
* Versions – Hover the mouse over the “i” icon in the Keynotes window and hold down the specified key below to verify the version.
* Remedy version is 18. (Alt) – same as English
MR (Jan. 2017)
* Remedy list is V10.14

MR (Aug. 2016)
Books added:
* The Help Menu was redone
* Synergy Extras in Document folder is renamed to Synergy Homeopathic Support
* Sentinel SuperPro installer needs to be installed manually (from the above location) it is no longer part of the installation
* Fixed-if Setting file corrupt the prog. Would not run
* Located Config. easier
* option+drag= cut (not copy)
* Scholten Fam.Graph row 10 was missing-fixed
* Show section names – spaces them out
* Find rubric in RW was not working if 32 Bit-fixed
* Remedy list V10.9
* Author list V 1.1
* Installer changes:
– runs on Win 10
– does not uninstall when currently running
– HASP driver updated 7.41.1
– Super Pro driver updated 7.6.8
* Sentinel SuperPro installer needs to be installed manually (from the above location) it is no longer part of the installation
– For this please add the English Lib. Installer separatly

RW DE (Aug. 2018)

This version enables ReferenceWorks German to add Complete 2018 Repertory German to the program.

Previous Releases

RW DE (Dec. 2017)
Many changes to support work-arounds for Windows 1709 crash. Most of them are only true if compiling for Windows but there are some cover routines that apply to both.
The problem occurred when a dialog or an alert was closed. Fixed
The Remedy Limits dialog and the Activate Books dialog now share the new larger format that we applied in the English version. German does not have Author limits.
Versions –
Hover the mouse over the “i” limits icon and hold down the specified key below to see these.
– Remedy version is 18. (Alt) – same as English
– Book Set version is 2.4 (Alt + Shift) – same as English
– BINF version is 205 (Alt + Ctrl) – different than English


Latest Versions:

MacRepertory (English)
ReferenceWorks (English)
MacRepertory (Deutsch)
ReferenceWorks (Deutsch)


MR (October 2019)

Last Full Release:
Last Update:
The remedy master resource is updated to v22.
The author master resource is updated to v1.5.
Change: In the Limit Remedies dialog Expand and Collapse are only enabled when Families (not Families A-Z) are showing.
Bug : On Mojave plus in come cases with High Sierra the drop down lists for repertories keynotes and cases is not in alphabetic order. Fixed
New repertories and keynotes added or updated to the full version
-Boenninghausen Innominate
-Complete 2016 Repertory
-Complete 2017 Repertory
-Complete 2018 Repertory
-Complete 2019 Repertory
-Hatherly Lacs Repertory
-Murphy’s III Repertory – corrected version
-Q Repertory – 3rd edition
-Saine MMPP-Group Additions
-Yakir’s Botanical Repertory
-Borkar Pathology Factor
-Hatherly Lacs MM
-Levi Preventing and Healing
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance A to C
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance D to M
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance N to R
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance S to Z
-VervarckeBeyond Mind and Body

Previous Releases

MR (June 2018)
Online update only
Very minor code changes.
Last Full Release:
Last Update:
New repertories added or updated to the full version –
Boenninghausen Innominate
Complete 2016, 2017 and 2018
Hatherly Lacs Repertory
Q Repertory (2nd Ed)
Yakir’s Botanical Repertory
Also Yakirs’ How-to help file (pdf) is added to –
On the Mac: Documents/SynergyHomeopathic folder.
Modified the code to add a roll-over feature for tech support similar to ReferenceWorks to verify some resource versions.
The remedy master resource ‘Rmin’ (in MacRepertory.rsr) is updated to v20.
The author master resource ‘AUnm’ (in MacRepertory.rsr) is updated to v1.4.
Country locator data base (GeoIP.dat) for country protected versions is updated to the April 2018 version –
Correction – In the startup and about dialogs the copyright is corrected to 2018
Bug – Newer books in the update are not replacing older versions (Q Repertory). Fixed.
If a book in bundle matches a previously installed book but has a newer date, it replaces the installed book with the newer version
Bug: the new keynotes were missing.
Added the following keynotes to the full version and the update –
– Borkar Pathology Factor
– Boenninghausen Innominate
– Hatherly Lacs MM
– Levi, Preventing and Healing
– Vermeulen’s Source and Substance (four books)
– Vervarcke,Beyond Mind and Body
Murphy’s III Repertory updated to 2/22/2017 version. The previous installer was a 2015 version. Error in Murphy’s III Repertory.rsr file. Fixed.
MR (Oct. 2017)
* The disclosure triangles in the family and remedy limit and find dialogs were invisible. Fixed.
* The REMD resource is updated to Vers 17 as well as the Remedy List file in the Help menu.
* Adding the following books to the installer:
+ Complete 2017 Repertory
+ Yakirs Botanical Repertory
* The help PDF file for Yakir’s Botanical Repertory is installed into Documents –
Synergy Homeopathic along with the Philosophy Collection.pdf file.
MR (Jan. 2017)
* REMD is V10.14
Adding the following optional books:
* Complete 2016
* Boenninghasen Innominate
* Q Rep. 2nd. Ed.
MR 8.5.20 (July 2015)
Books added:
* The Boenninghausen Repertory II (TBR2)
* The Complete 2015 Repertory
Changes done:
* Performance Improvements.
* Minor bug fixes and other improvements
Performance improvements.
Minor bug fixes
This English installation also installs French but not German books.
The German books and help files have all been removed from the bundle to make the bundler smaller. (The German Installer installs German and English books)
New Keynotes:
Vermeulen’s Concordant Reference I, II and II (3 files)
Vermeulen’s Synoptic Reference
New World Vet Rep – free to all users.
New Repertories:
New World Vet Rep II_illus
New World Vet Rep II_photo
(the above two Repertories are identical except for their Icons. Any user who purchased this Rep. will be able to open both)
Q Repertory
* This version can now be updated via the internet.
* Error information is now written in a log file in the Documents folder. This will assist technical support if MacRep fails to start at all and no errors appear.
* The Concepts are NOT part of the installation (as they previously were). When the concept search is activated for the first time, the user will need to wait for a while for the program to index his Repertory. This makes the installer smaller and prevents unnecessary large space taken by the program. Not all users have all books, but until now all users had all Concept files.
* Changed the URL for the Help Menu item “Visit”.
* Fixed: Using the quick search feature in the repertory window led to a crash in certain repertories and sections.
* Fixed: Crash occurred sometimes when importing an old case file.
* Fixed: Opening a Repertory with a long name crashes.
* Fixed: Author search options were lost when you returned to search from the results dialog by clicking New Search.
* Fixed: Patient cases did not work properly if they had a slash character ‘/’
* Improved the error message when the CPD does not match config.
* Some more minor fixes.

RW (May 2018)

Version – 5/15/18 – Online update only
Previous version is
No code changes.
Remedy master resource ‘REMD’ (Custom Resources.rsr) updated to v20.
Verify with Option key + mouse over Remedy Bottle limit icon in any window.
Here are some remedies that are new:
Cit-n = Citrus Nobilis
Salx-la = Salix lasiolepsis
Vesp-vg-n = Vespula Vulgaris Nest
Also, new v20 Remedy List pdf. Available from the Help menu
New books added to index –
– Vermeulen Source & Substance
– Vermeulen Vist Vintage
Updated books added to index –
– Boenninghausen’s Repertory
– Morrison’s Carbons
– Murphy’s Nature MM
Country locator data base (GeoIP.dat) for country protected versions is updated to the April 2018
version –
This is the last version using the existing library. It will no longer be updated. We will have to switch to their new interface to have access to their future updates.
Location of this file –
Verify that the date is April 2018
In the bundle: ReferenceWorks/Contents/Resources/Common
Correction – In the startup and about dialogs the copyright is updated to 2018
Sparkle update from an earlier version is verified. This is required to ensure all releases can still update.
Add User Book is verified. This is required to ensure that Add Books did not break.

Previous Releases

RW (Nov. 2017)
* Updates to Library H. The Book Set is updated.
The following are added to Lib H+
⦁ Hatherly’s Lacs Repertory (Available for Visionary 2.0 only)
⦁ Ritzer -Erbele’s Provings (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
⦁ Tarak-Ajit’s HTN Rep (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
⦁ Schadde’s Tourmaline (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
⦁ Plouvier-Suijs- The Last Series (Pro 2.0 and Visionary 2.0)
– Sankaran Reptiles I
– Zahid’s Study Tips
– 55 Existing file are Modified
2 New files:
– Plouvier Last Series
– Kings American Dispensatory
* The remedy master resource list is updated to v18.
* Performance Improvements.
* Minor bug fixes and other improvements.
RW (Aug. 2017)
* New data resources to support the new Lib H.
* The Activate Books feature now accepts a Book Set access code to activate an entire set of books with one code.
* The new Lib H books are included in the update.
RW (June 2017)
New Book :
van Zandvoort CR 17 Rep
* The dmg installer has an updated SafeNet HASP Protection Key installer, version 7.54. It is fully signed for Sierra and does not need any special technique for running it.
* Open file and Save file both now start with the ReferenceWorksCases folder in Documents/Synergy. It used to start at a random location.
* Last-used location is remembered as the program runs. It resets to Cases the next time you start ReferenceWorks.
* Selective save allows you to save a case with only certain items e.g rubrics. It is saved to a special ReferenceWorks file type.
* When opening a Selective Save document it will only load the items you saved. Other items will not be affected.
* You are now allowed to open any plain text document and it will put the text into the Notes Window. Other items will not be affected.
* In the Graph Design dialog for scatter graphs (for both remedy and family graphs) the drop down menus for the horizontal and vertical axes were missing one of the strategies. Fixed.
* Fixed: The rubrics window was showing the mouse rollover help text in bold.
* When locking the copy protection device and it fails, sometimes there is no feedback at all to the user or just a simple failure message. Now there will be an error dialog with an error code that I can use to determine exactly what went wrong.
* Fixed: Add User Book feature.
* Display changes due to Sierra OS X 10.12.4 (see below) Some of our older format PICTs (picture icons) do not display. All the following are fixed.
* Fixed: The disclosure triangles in the family and remedy limit dialogs.
* Fixed: The disclosure triangle in the graph selection menu at the top of the family and remedy graph windows.
* Fixed: In the Define Families list (under the graph menu), both the disclosure triangles and the remedy bottles.
* Fixed: The section name at the top of the Materia Medica window was completely blank.
* Fixed: Pop down menu in the lower right corner of the Mineral Overview family graph does not have a disclosure triangle at all.
New Books :
Vermeulen’s Concordant Reference
Vermeulen’s Synoptic Reference
(Sales date to be yet announced !!)
* This version can now be updated via the internet.
* The ReferenceWorks Index master index file has been removed from the bundle. This makes the installation much faster when the program first runs.
This means that when the installation is finished, the Indexer will first index all the books.
This also means that the application is smaller on the user’s drive (2.82 GB as opposed to 3.97GB before).
It makes the download of the application much faster.
* Fixed: Drag and drop a book, remedy or section onto a window did not correctly set the limit.
* Fixed : Import Cases only allowed a single file. We now allow choosing a folder, all files and subfolders will be imported.
* Fixed : Scroll wheels did not work on dialog lists (e.g. limit to book, remedy or section)
* Fixed: Printing did not display any content other than the header line.
* Fixed: Print Layout dialog not working correctly.
REMEDY NAMES and ABBREVIATIONS (same as MacRepertory)


MR DE (May 2019)

MR DE (May 2019)
Last Full Release:
Last Update:
The remedy master resource is updated to v22.
The author master resource is updated to v1.5.
Bug: All Import options in the File Menu except Text File do not work. Fixed.
Bug: The Import file dialogs (from the File Menu Import command) were missing the text message prompts at the top of the Open File dialog. Fixed
Bug : On Mojave plus in come cases with High Sierra the drop down lists for repertories keynotes and cases is not in alphabetic order. Fixed
New repertories and keynotes added or updated to the full version
-Hatherly Lacs Repertory.rep
-Complete 2017 DE Repertory
-Complete 2018 DE Repertory
-Complete 2019 DE Repertory
-Q Rep DE 3rd Edition
-Yakir’s Botanical Rep DE
-Borkar Pathology Factor
-Hatherly Lacs MM
-Levi Preventing and Healing
-Vermeulen’s Concordant Extra
-Vermeulen’s Concordant
-Vermeulen’s Prisma 2
-Vermeulen’s Prisma 3
-Vermeulen’s Prisma 4
-Vermeulen’s Prisma
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance A to C
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance D to M
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance N to R
-Vermeulen’s Source and Substance S to Z
-Vermeulen’s Synoptic I
-Vermeulen’s Synoptic II
-VervarckeBeyond Mind and Body
-Saine-MMPP-Keynotes 2004-2015 D
-Stuermer minimal MM
-Vermeulen Prisma DE

Previous Releases

MR DE (June 2018)
Online update only
No code changes.
Last Full Release:
Last Update:
German Language:
New Repertories:
– Complete 2018 DE Repertory
– Yakir’s Botanical Rep DE
New Keynotes –
– Stuermer, minimal MM.rsr
– Vermeulen, Prisma DE
English Language:
New Repertories:
– Hatherly Lacs Repertory
New Keynotes –
– Borkar Pathology Factor
– Hatherly Lacs MM
– Levi, Preventing and Healing
– Vermeulen’s Concordant.rsr
– Vermeulen’s Concordant Extra
– Vermeulen’s Prisma (4 books)
– Vermeulen’s Synoptic (2 books)
– Vervarcke,Beyond Mind and Body
This is the same source code as MacRepertory English
MR DE (Sept. 2017)
* The disclosure triangles in the family and remedy limit and find dialogs were invisible. Fixed.
* The REMD resource is updated to Vers 17 as well as the Remedy List file in the Help menu.
* Complete 2017 German Repertory was added to the installer
MR (Jan 2017)
* New Help Menu
*Author List V1.1
* Removed CR 4.5 DE
* Removed the English Library ( should be installed with an installer)
* Bug-Cmd E did not limit graph-fixed
* Bug- long remedy names did not have enough space-Fixed
* Bug-Deleting items in a patient file did not really delete them-Fixed
* Bug- The quick search window had a problem-fixed
* Scholten’s family graph was missing information-fixed
* Updated HASP installers
* REMD V 10.14
* Bug- Error message at first run asking for an access code for the default KeyNote file- Kent MM – fixed.
Adding the following optional books:
*CR 16 DE added
See notes for plus:
– All contextual menus were in English. Fixed – when running German version: Build a concepts index for an
English repertory and you will get the German section name in the pop
down menu (lower left). Fixed.
– German version installs English settings in addition to the
expected German settings. Fixed

RW DE (Aug. 2018)

This version enables ReferenceWorks German to add Complete 2018 Repertory German to the program.
It is compatible with macOS 10.13 High Sierra and it has been tested to runs on macOS 10.13, 10.12 and 10.11 and possibly earlier.
This update also enables customers to install CR17DE (or perhaps even CR16DE) for those who have not been able to update their RW DE due to their macOS and RW DE compatibility.

Previous Releases

RW DE (June 2018)
This release note applies to both the full dmg release and the online update.
Bug RefWorks crashes at first-run on High Sierra while building the master index. Fixed.
In order to get a fresh start I reindexed all of the books from their source text.
All 92 German books will have a June 2018 date.
The online update includes the above three books plus “van Zandvoort CR 17 DE”

Remedy List

Synergy Full Remedy List


Additions to the Remedy List Jan. 2017



Latest Technical Support

Windows Users – Windows 10 | 5 November, 2017

Customers who have the software programs already installed and then upgrade to Windows 10 have been successful without any problems. If you do experience any issues simply download and re-install the Drivers for the Copy Protection Device.

Download The Latest HASP Driver For Windows

MAC users with a HASP Key – High Sierra | April 2018

If you have updated your system to High Sierra and are experiencing any issues using our software programs you will need to download a Driver for the HASP key that is compatible.

Download the latest HASP Driver for Mac


  1. Locate Sentinel_Runtime.dmg in your downloads folder
  2. Double-click on Sentinel_Runtime.dmg to open
  3. Right-click (or control-click) on “Install Sentinel Runtime Environment”. You maybe prompted
    that this is from an unidentified developer, please click ‘open’
  4. You may need to change your security settings to allow the installer to open.
    1. Go to system Preferences
    2. Select Security and Privacy
    3. Unlock the padlock in the lower left hand corner (you will need your computer’s password)
    4. Under “Allow apps downloaded from” select ‘anywhere’
    5. The Sentinel Driver will then be able to be installed
    6. Don’t forget to restore your security settings for any future app downloads.
  5. Follow the installer prompts
  6. Congratulations you should now be able use your programs trouble-free again.

Legacy Driver For EVE3 Copy Protection Device For Mac (EVE3 USB Key)

If you have recently updated your programs and / or your OS, the USB key might be unrecognized. If you own and old purple or black USB key which has an imprint of EVE3 on it you should download the right driver for it. Please click the button below and choose EVE3 Driver from the list below. Download and install it and your key should now be recognized by your Mac machine.

Download EVE3 Driver for Mac

MAC users with a HASP Key – High Sierra | April 2018

If you have updated your system to High Sierra and are experiencing any issues using our software programs you will need to download a Driver for the HASP key that is compatible.

Download the latest HASP Driver for Mac

Mac Users With MacRepertory – Auto-Update Issues | April, 2017

Users that have not updated their program from will experience an error with the latest Auto-Update (German users are excluded, this is for English users only). You will be prompted to update with the Auto-Update and by choosing to update will see the following error: “Update Error! The update is improperly signed“. You can update to the new version by downloading and installing the full version here. Once completed the Auto-Update feature will be available to you for all future releases.

Download MacRepertory Latest Version

If you also having issues or or getting error messages in your ReferenceWorks program ( and newer) click here to download and install the latest version.

Download ReferenceWork Latest Version

If you experience any difficulties with these updates or cannot find the information you need, please get in touch with us.

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