The Saine Repertory 2024 is a collaboration between Andre Saine’s Materia Medica Pura Project (MMPP) group and Roger van Zanvoort. Over 150,000 of the MMPP group’s additions were added to the Complete Repertory 4.5 (CR 4.5) over the course of the past 20+ years. The expanded CR 4.5, which has all the MMPP additions through 2023, is by mutual agreement called the Saine Repertory 2024, and it is now available in Synergy’s homeopathic software!
The Materia Medica Pura Project began in 2005 with a main goal of updating our two most important tools—the Materia medica and the repertory. In pursuit of that goal, international homeopaths came together to form the MMPP group. They found reliable, hidden materials and integrated them into our current Materia medica, also creating many additions leading up to the Saine Repertory 2024. They have also been busy proving old remedies that were poorly proven in the past, and proving new, promising remedies—in line with Hahnemann’s vision that we can never have too many remedies.
T. F. Allen and Constantine Hering were the last homeopaths to publish comprehensive Materia medica, and these systematic reviews took place before the end of the 19th century. An enormous amount of literature, some of which was difficult to access, had never been explored, but the MMPP group combed through the many provings, cured cases, toxicology reports, and valuable clinical experience, in order to bring it to the forefront and improve the prescribing accuracy of all practicing homeopaths. Their work eventually culminated into the development of a monograph for each researched and studied remedy. Further, all the characteristic symptoms contained in these monographs were integrated into the repertory in the form of new entries, changes of remedy grading, corrections of rubric wording, and creation of new rubrics and sub-rubrics.
Some of these repertory additions and changes were incorporated into other repertories over the years, but the Saine Repertory 2024 will have all the changes, through 2023, in one place. The Saine Repertory 2024 will also be updated on a regular basis.
The MMPP monographs are more than the accumulation of lost Materia medica information. The comprehensive summaries also allow the genius of each remedy to come to the forefront, so that busy homeopaths can understand the essential characteristics and easily compare them with the genius of the disease being treated. All this information finds its way into the repertory, and the MMPP group has received excellent feedback from homeopaths who have had access to these additions. Also, thanks to digitalization, existing monographs continue to be updated as new information is found on specific remedies, which means that the repertory is also updated.
Much of the MMPP work has been oriented towards finding information that would treat severe or terminal disease, especially cancer. Recent statistics have revealed that about 50% of people living in developed countries will get cancer, so the MMPP work has been focused on getting information about difficult-to-treat diseases. Much of the new information has greatly improved outcomes of patients with serious pathologies, as reported by the MMPP group members in homeopathic practice.
Some details:
Carboneum oxygenisatum: Early in 2020, the practitioners in the MMPP group noticed that people with Covid-19 had similar symptoms to those with carbon monoxide poisoning. Severe weakness, shortness of breath and apathy are also signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. After getting successful results from using Carbonoeum oxygenisatum in patients with Covid-19 (March 2020), the MMPP group decided to conduct a proving of it in April and May 2020. The proving generated 2,228 new entries to the CR 4.5, which originally had only 280 entries. Afterward, Carboneum oxygenisatum was given extensively for both the prevention of Covid-19 as well as the treatment of patients in the early stages of this disease. But it was in the later stages of Covid-19 where this remedy really stood out. Many patients with late-stage Covid-19 were successfully treated using Carboneum oxygenisatum, thanks to the new information generated by the MMPP group.
Calcarea fluorica and Fluoricum acidum: After completing the monographs on these remedies, both were seen to have a strong affinity to blood diseases, including cancer. Between 2016 and 2018, it was reported that the rate of patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma had increased by 11% in the UK. Since 2020/2021, the rate of patients diagnosed with blood cancers (leukemias, lymphomas, myelomas and myelodysplastic syndromes) has exploded. These two remedies have proven to be quite effective in clinical use against these types of cancers.
Fluoricum acidum: also has common symptoms to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), such as fasciculation, paresis and atrophy of the muscles of the limbs. One of the provers of Fluoricum acidum reported the following symptoms, which are similar to the generalized twitching so typical in ALS: “Hands, fingers, toes, feet, jaws, lips, eyebrows and lids, muscles of the face, etc., all are in motion.” Further, Kent wrote that Fluoricum acidum “will often stop the progress of structural nervous diseases and prevent the case from getting worse.”
Fluoricum acidum was originally proven by the members of the Allentown Academy in 1838. In that proving, five of the 12 provers (42%) experienced curative changes, including Hering himself, who reported:
- Improvement of a lachrymal and dental fistula
- Reduction of a recurrent pain in the left Eustachian tube
- Improvement of a chronic inflammation of his nose, a painful mouth ulcer, bleeding gums and sordes.
- Elimination of recurrent itchiness of the skin and a chronic lumbo-sacral ache.
- Temporary improvement of a chronic anal protrusion with stool, and his stool became better formed. Hemorrhoids disappeared.
- Pain below the lower angle of the right scapula (better stretching) got worse during the proving and then improved.
- Tolerance to summer heat improved.
- Reduction of fatigue on daily walks.
- Better control of sexual desire was noticed, and Hering reported that elderly people taking the remedy began to have sexual desire again. Campos also reported “greater sexual desire and with more pleasure,” which was new to him, and premature ejaculation disappeared.
Other provers reported:
- New hair growth on a head going bald (Williamson)
- Improved presbyopia and peripheral vision (Campos)
- Eye floaters since a case of malaria six years prior, spleen pain, and chronic perspiration of the palms since taking Lobelia—all disappeared (Geist).
The MMPP group has added 2,146 new entries under Fluoricum acidum in the Saine Repertory 2024, for a total of 4,983 entries. They made 2,259 new entries for Calcarea fluorica, for a total of 3,318 entries.
Natrum fluoratum: Muscular twitching was also seen in the 1956 Gutman proving of Natrum fluoratum (the agent originally used to fluorinate municipal waters). Six of those 22 provers developed muscular twitching. In 2023, the MMPP group decided to conduct another proving on Natrum fluoratum, which led to the creation of a new monograph. The outcome of this proving was beyond expectation. Nine of the 14 provers (64%) experienced curative changes, and 1,352 new entries for Natrum fluoratum were made, for a total of 1,418 in the Saine Repertory 2024.
Ganoderma tsugae: Reishi is a highly valued medicine, and the MMPP group conducted a proving with it in 2023. They used a red Reishi, Ganoderma tsugae, which is still found in the wild in Eastern North America. 13 of the 19 provers (68%) experienced curative changes or a state of increased wellness, including great relaxation, a sense of timelessness.
The MMPP group began to use the remedy in practice and has obtained spectacular results with it. In one case, a patient with a resistant form of malignant lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma presented with some of the most characteristic symptoms of Ganoderma tsugae, namely—aversion to the heat of the summer and sun, extreme thirst for ice cold drinks, much grief from the loss of her husband (and crying made her feel better), desire for sweets—especially ice cream, and nocturnal perspiration in the cervical region. Soon after taking Ganoderma tsugae she experienced an almost complete disappearance of all her symptoms for the first time since their onset in 2017. Two months later, the symptoms were still gone.
Conium maculatum : This monograph was prepared by the MMPP group in 2016. It is more than 500 pages long and contains more than 300 cured cases. From this monograph alone, more than 3,026 new entries have been made to the CR 4.5, representing a 45% increase in the number of entries. Also, a great number of symptoms found in the original provings were confirmed or verified, and as a result repertory grades were increased from first to second or third grade.
The MMPP group has seen that, on average, about 30% of the characteristic symptoms seen in the Materia medica are missing from the repertories. Many remedies have only a fraction of their symptoms represented in the repertories, but the MMPP group is working hard to correct that imbalance. For example, they have added around 800 entries for Ipecacuanha, over 1,500 for Hepar sulphur, over 1,500 for Nitricum acidum, over 200 for Magnesium muriaticum (from Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases) and over 3,000 for Plumbum metallicum. Historically, many remedies were not considered for a case simply because they did not show up during repertorization, or because the Materia medica on them was inaccessible. These remedies can now be found.
The MMPP group’s enhancements, both to the Materia medica and the repertories, have greatly improved the ability of prescribers to find the most appropriate remedy. Their work will continue into 2024 and 2025 with even more enthusiasm!