Previously Released Titles
Dr. Rajan Sankaran is well-known for formulating new concepts in case taking, including methods that involve sensations, delusions, and kingdom classifications. He has found that the best results are obtained when both old and new methods are considered for each case, since every case needs a unique approach.
Vital Quest Module (VQM) is the first Expert System in Synergy Homeopathic Software, and it is an excellent add-on choice if you follow Dr. Sankaran’s methods. It is an analysis module that integrates the art and science of homeopathy and facilitates sensation prescribing. VQM offers state-of-the-art kingdom and miasm classification analyses, and also gives assistance with case follow-ups, answering questions such as, should a remedy be repeated? And which potency is best?
Homeopaths can use VQM to pull critical sensation and source words from their cases. The program examines each word, compares it to an extensive database of information, and produces a result in the terminology needed to solve the case with the Sensation method. Words are analyzed according to kingdom, row and column, miasm, and—ultimately—source language. With VQM in SHS you can perform a “Synergy Analysis,” where the results of various approaches (i.e. Finger printing, Structured analysis, Sectorial analysis) can be compared side by side on separate clipboards.
VQM automatically gives you access to the Sensation Repertory, and this book is only available when you purchase VQM. But since VQM is part of SHS, you also have access to your entire library—both repertories and Materia medica— when solving cases with VQM. All SHS libraries include the new Reliable Repertory, which is the cornerstone repertory in SHS and allows you to reconstruct exact symptomology through the Reference String tool. All the new 2.1 libraries also include the Genius of Remedies, which combines the approaches of Boger and S R Phatak into a concise and very useful Materia medica.
With VQM and SHS brought together into one powerful and integrated program, you will be amazed how easy it is to find the remedies that are the most beneficial to your patients—remedies that you may not have found through standard means.
Please contact your sales representative for information about any ongoing sales. Also, if you own a standalone version of Vital Quest (versions 1 – 5), you can bring it into SHS at a discounted price.
Highlights include:
The work done for Complete Repertory 2024 is a continuation of the work done for the version before. Source materials mainly are:
- CG Raue’s Annual Record of homoeopathic literature, collected between 1870 and 1875. This homeopathic information has been used in many later Materia Medica, including C. Hering’s Guiding Symptoms.
- Contemporary cases, specifically those on the interhomeopathy website (www.interhomeopathy.org/free-international-homeopathy-magazine).
- Proving information
The work on correcting remedy grades also continues. Grades are rechecked and recalculated based on the original source information whenever possible, taking proving information, information from cured cases and information from phytotherapy (eclectic medicine, herbal medicine) into consideration.
Click HERE to download a chart of details.

Roger Van Zandvoort
Under the guidance of André Saine, the Materia Medica Pura Project group is constantly updating and improving our Materia medica and repertories. This project is ongoing and will have a positive and significant impact on homeopathy for many years to come. Synergy is offering the monographs in bundles. The first bundle contains 35 monographs and more than 3200 pages of text.
The MMPP group is comprised of homeopaths from 13 countries around the world. They have been collecting material since 2005 and have added important information to almost 600 remedies.
The new information comes from a careful review of all the Materia medica, clinical information, toxicology reports and provings on each remedy, which is exhaustive and broad in its range. Each monograph contains lengthy and verifiable information, which includes:
- Relevant information, such as the remedy’s use in the history of medicine and any interesting facts and anecdotes.
- The genius of the remedy, which can be easily compared to the genius of the patient’s disease.
- Characteristic symptoms of the remedy.
- Cured cases involving the remedy.
- New proving information on the remedy, if it is carried out by the MMPP group members.
Interesting fact: About 30% of the characteristic symptoms of our remedies are missing in our repertories. Because of this fact, a well-indicated remedy might not be prescribed because the information about it is incomplete. The MMPP group is working hard to get you this missing, accurate information.
To get an impression of the enormous scale of the project and the corresponding available data, check out these two examples:
Iodum’s compilation of characteristic symptoms extends many pages and comes from 300+ source materials (books, journals, articles). Also, 94 Iodum cases were collected and analyzed. In total, more than 1,000 repertory additions for Iodum were generated.
Saine collected information from many volumes and 324 cases for the Conium monograph, resulting in a number of symptoms never-before-seen in our repertories. Additions totaled 2,800 (an increase of 41%), which elevates Conium close to polychrest status (e.g. Nat-m. has roughly 11,000 rubrics; Conium now has approximately 9,600).

Dr. André Saine

In addition to the monographs, MMPP publishes in both German and English under the title “Saine’s MMPP Group Summary.” These summaries contain the genius and keynotes of approximately 190 remedies. The material comes out of the MMPP seminars that took place 2005 – 2018 in Niendorf / Baltic Sea. Each summary is a distillation of the main points of a remedy and run anywhere in length from two paragraphs to two pages. Read an example of one below:
Renowned homeopath and veterinarian, Dr. Richard Pitcairn, discovered errors in the Böenninghausen Repertory that was included in his MacRepertory package many years ago. He examined the book to find all the errors and made corrections. It was a labor of love that “evolved into a two-year project.” Dr. Pitcairn used his Böenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory, translated, compiled and augmented by C. M. Boger, MD as his reference. (Copyright 1936, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.).
Synergy Homeopathic is happy to have the corrected book for Synergy’s new program, Synergy Homeopathic Software. Many thanks to Dr. Pitcairn for giving his time and energy to this project! If Dr. Boger was alive today, he would appreciate that his book is free from errors.

Developed by former botanist and models ecologist, Michal Yakir, this revolutionary new repertory utilizes the developmental order found in nature and the homeopathic implications of this dynamic natural order as it relates to the plant kingdom.
By investigating this relationship over many decades, Dr. Yakir’s understanding evolved gradually like the pieces of a puzzle. Clinical observation, late-night studies of materia medica, provings, new homeopathic ideas and conversation with colleagues were synthesized into a comprehensive model incorporating homeopathic, botanical, psychological, Kabbalistic and Jungian ideas.
The Repertory presents a botanical Remedy list, arranged by a systematical evolutionary order of Families and Orders (according to Cronquist systematics).
Every row, column can be taken as a rubric, where Remedies as well as whole Families and Orders are added here.
Besides rows and columns and Families, the repertory presents the themes that can be identified throughout the Table of Plants.
Remedies as well as whole groups (Orders/ Families/ Columns/Rows) are added to these rubrics.
The rubrics can be used to limit or add to any Repertory Graph or as stand alone repertory.
Add this essential work to your library.
Michal Yakir
In this book, Gandhi lays out the maps he uses to find his way through a maze of symptoms. He calls his system the Personal Evolution Model, following his conviction that illness, either physical or mental, does not strike us randomly, but corresponds to “stuckness” at a certain developmental level. Illness has a message that we are often loathe to hear, but if we can listen well and act accordingly, we can use this information to overcome inner obstacles, thus improving our inner development. We can often overcome a physical illness at the same time. Throughout the book, Gandhi stresses the importance of unfolding personal potential to its highest levels.

Dr. Mahesh Gandhi
Vista Vintage is a compilation of a hundred year’s worth of materia medica from the homœopathic masters. It contains material on 764 remedies – some of the larger, well-known remedies as well as numerous small and rare ones. There are 7 categories of information:
Case Studies – 2914
Clinical Observations – 365
Effects [Poisonings, etc.] – 650
Materia Medica – 36
Provings – 296
Self-Experimentations – 325
Snippets [brief cases] – 1414
That’s a total of 6000 entries In Vista Vintage and it comes from 1703 authors in numerous sources (journals, magazines, proceedings, transactions and books)! Additionally, Linda Johnston, MD, wrote highlights on over 300 of the remedies.
Much of this information cannot be found anywhere else! Vista Vintage contains previously undiscovered provings, cases and other valuable insights into the remedies. This vast volume will help to improve your comprehensive understanding of many remedies.
Here’s a small sampling of the amazing finds in Vista Vintage:
• 34 Belladonna cases, along with 10 additional articles about Belladonna’s medicinal and physiological effects.
• Baptisia has 17 full cases, 7 brief cases and 8 other articles.
• Nux moschata [nutmeg] appears with 12 full cases, 10 brief cases and 14 detailed poisonings.
• 9 Blatta cases.
• Information on the rare remedies Cadmium iodatum and Cadmium oxydatum.
• The parasitic plant Epiphegus virginiana has 7 cases, 2 provings and 2 self-experimentations
• Gelsemium has 19 cases and 17 other articles.
• A proving of Caeruleum iritis solis (blue light) done in1867. [We modern homœopaths are not the first to investigate imponderables!]
And so much more! View all 764 remedies.
A sample of 33 remedies from the Vista Vintage comes in our Profession and Visionary Editions for free.
If you own one of these libraries, check out your free sample.
Vermeulen Vista Vintage SP!
Like what you see? Add Vista Vintage – information on all 764 remedies – to your library!

Frans Vermeulen
Source & Substance: an 8000-page treasure!
4,275 remedies identified
Did you ever come across a remedy that made you yearn for more details? With rare exceptions, Source & Substance covers every remedy in your program.
Vermeulen’s Source & Substance is a valuable tool for every homeopath because it provides accurate, verified information about the source (what a remedy is made of) and its properties and characteristics as a substance. Botanical names have been updated as needed – surprising information to learn, since we’ve all assumed familial connections are set in stone.
Additionally, Source & Substance contains extra material in the form of 228 summaries or original reports of hard-to-find provings, self experimentations and poisonings.
As homeopaths, we know the importance of fully understanding a remedy’s makeup in relation to its use as a curative agent. Our materia medica sources are endlessly fascinating and provide us with a cornucopia of possibilities toward perfect and precise prescribing. This information becomes more and more useful, the more fully we grasp the deeper connections between the substance itself and those that the remedy treats.
You can learn much more about the smaller remedies that are not as well represented. For these remedies, Source & Substance provides a good starting point towards understanding them better. All homeopaths hope to be able to work with a greater number of remedies, and this palette can be increased with help from Source & Substance.
In addition to the 3 main categories of plants, animals and minerals, Source & Substance identifies 8 other groups: Fungi, Nosodes, Sarcodes, Imponderables, Chemicals, Biochemicals, Organic compounds, and Pharmaceuticals. Each of these groups has characteristics of its own. For example, the plant group has botanical information whereas the minerals lend themselves to data about compounds and alloys. Animals have characteristic behaviours. Each of the 11 groups have their own set of headings specific to that group, under which is a plethora of material.
Areas such as biochemicals, fungi and pharmaceuticals contain many unused and unknown remedies, but these remedies can be useful too! One of them might be the elusive simillimum in a difficult case!
A sample of 33 remedies from Source & Substance comes in our Profession and Visionary Editions for free.
If you own one of these libraries, check out your free sample.
Vermeulen Source & Substance SP!
Like what you see? Add this treasure trove to your library

Frans Vermeulen
Hatherly’s book, The Lacs: A Materia Medica and Repertory, is a doorway into understanding milk energies as expressed through different mammalian experiences in our world, and is the single best resource for understanding these essential remedies. Useful as a reference, yet accessible with casual reading, (it) is a fun, stimulating and thorough exploration of the milk remedies. With almost effortless reading it builds a solid foundation for identifying and successfully implementing these essential remedies in practice.
–David Johnson, Hpathy E-zine, August 2014
Add Hatherly’s Lacs Materia and Medica Repertory to your library

Hatherly’s Lacs Materia Medica
and Repertory
Dr. Borkar’s desire for consistency in producing good results in cases with structural changes and advanced pathology led him to a study of all his successful cases. This book, Pathology Factor in Remedy Selection, is a result of this intense study. With the help of successfully solved cases, this book demonstrates the role of the pathology factor in remedy selection. The technique advocated is so simple that any homeopath who reads this book should be able to apply it easily in practice and produce incredible results. Watch the YouTube about it.
This book by Dr. Ashok Borkar, his first one, is an important contribution…
–Dr. Rajan Sankaran
Add Borkar’s Pathology Factor to your library

Borkar’s Pathology Factor
Preventing and Healing: Homeopathic First Aid
Helps everyone–not just homeopaths–use homeopathy in situations that require first aid. Complex illnesses require extensive knowledge, experience and skill to treat, but this ebook allows anyone to use homeoopathy in simpler situations: injuries, cuts, burns, fractures, bites and stings, food poisoning, sea-sickness, and easily treatable acute conditions.
Basic homeopathic principles are also clearly described in this excellent ebook.
Explore the contents!
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Levi’s Preventing and Healing
Anne’s uniquely easygoing but structured case-taking skills, as well as her crystal-clear analysis, come to life in Beyond Mind and Body. Her book contains a wide selection of cases – showcasing diverse patients as well as remedy families. Anne’s thought processes are explained at each step, including pitfalls to avoid and the differential diagnoses. The Q&A format complementing the verbatim report brings out the wisdom and sophistication of the Vital Approach, making it easy to understand and fun to read.
Visit Anne’s website!
Add Vervarcke’s Beyond Mind and Body to your library

Vervarcke’s Beyond Mind and
The Q-Rep simplifies repertorization with easy-to-choose mind rubrics. There is no need to combine rubrics or do Materia medica searches; everything is already done for you.
Jeremy and Raphael have meticulously combed all the repertories, Materia medica, and the very latest provings and cases, to compile a complete selection of rubrics that are a necessity in daily practice.
Using modern terminology such as ‘big ego, control, careers and helpers, guilt, self-esteem, and perfectionist (to name a few), you can feel confident that the right remedy for your patient is contained in your chosen rubrics.
Small remedies and new provings can now be used with unprecedented accuracy and reliability with each entry verified against its original source.
Add this essential work to your library!
View this video presentation with Jeremy Sherr and understand how
to use the Q-Repertory effectively in your practice.
The Boenninghausen Innominate Repertory is an English translation of the 1st edition of the (German) Therapeutic Pocket Book by Clemens Maria Franz von Boenninghausen (1846).
The addition of the word “innominate” in the title means the translator is unknown, and it is believed that a group of homeopathic physicians translated it, including Hempel.
The translation has mistakes, some of which were corrected by T. F. Allen and others, but it is imperfect compared to George Dimitriadis’ scholarly TBR2. [Dimitriadis used this book as the basis for his well-researched and enhanced The Boenninghausen Repertory – Therapeutic Pocketbook Method, 2nd Edition (TBR2)].
Dimitriadis’ TBR2 has 5 sections, reorganized from the 7 sections seen in Boenninghausen’s Innominate. The Innominate’s 7 sections are:
- Mind
- Parts of the Body And Organs
- Sensations and Complaints
- Sleep and Dreams
- Fever
- Alterations of the State of Health
- Concordances of the Medicaments
Add this unique book to your SHS program in order to repertorize cases from Boenninghausen’s perspective!

Clemens Maria Franz von Boenninghausen
In The Boenninghausen Repertory – Therapeutic Pocketbook Method, 2nd Edition (TBR2), George Dimitriadis has worked tirelessly to ensure that each rubric is accurately translated, and has also given us detailed endnotes that add enhanced context to rubrics. Footnotes come from Hahnemann’s Materia Medica and give rich specificity. This revised version of Boenninghausen’s original repertory took many years of painstaking work and a clear understanding of the related, original texts.
Dimitradis’ comprehensive and meticulous TBR2 has been seamlessly integrated into SHS. In addition to the rubrics, you also have access to the invaluable endnotes in the Reference String feature of SHS.
Some say that the TBR2 is the repertory that Hahnemann would choose to use, were he alive today. This important repertory is certainly guaranteed to provide you with dependable and accurate recommendations during your use of it.
Add this essential work to your SHS program today!
To understand how and why The Therapeutic Pocketbook
will be of great value to your practice take the time to view this video presentation by Kim Elia.