Veterinary Edition
Our Veterinary Edition is tailored specifically to meet the needs of professional homeopathic veterinarians.
Pitcairn and Jensen’s New World Veterinary Repertory has been updated! After months of careful research, utilizing the search function in the SHS software, every single remedy has been traced to its source. A practitioner can now select remedies specifically based on their favorite authors, Materia medica, or repertories. The authors are proud to offer this new tool to the homeopathic community, whether it is used to work with the human animal (especially young children or those without speech) or the four-legged patient.
The New World Veterinary Repertory III emphasizes concomitants, and ameliorations and aggravations of symptoms, which Pitcairn and Jensen have found to be the most reliable guide to the curative remedy in veterinary patients. The repertory was constructed on the backbone of Boenninghausen’s Characteristics Materia Medica and his Repertory (as created by C.M. Boger, with rubrics added from Kent, Jahr, and Boger’s Synoptic Key.)
Veterinary Edition
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Explore the Visionary Plus FREE TRIAL for 15 days! Dive into every book our Visionary Edition has to offer as well as a few extra books that are currently only available as add-on purchases to customize and strengthen any library. You can also take a tour of the Vital Quest Module and inspect the amazing functionality in SHS!
Library Lists
Explore the Veterinary Edition Library which has 16 repertories, 12 reversed repertories, and 333 references
Compare our main 4 Editions, to see which books are included in each.
Why Choose The Veterinary Edition

New World Veterinary Repertory

Dimitriadis’ TBR2

Expanded Analysis Tools

All The Features You Need
Our Veterinary Edition combines a solid, classical approach to repertorization with dozens of inspirational features. You’ll immediately find you are prescribing more accurately.

Both Programs