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Synergy Homeopathic Software

Get To Know Synergy Homeopathic Software

A transformative, state-of-the-art program for all your homeopathic needs

One Single platform – MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks have been integrated into a single interface! You no longer have to import or export rubrics or searches. All your work exists on the same screen with access to all the relevant information at your fingertips. And you no longer have to learn two programs!

Also, the new program, Synergy Homeopathic Software, features fresh contemporary graphics and an innovative design that makes it easier and more intuitive to use, and it is compatible with all the latest operating systems.

Reliable Repertory

How was the Reliable Repertory conceived?

Many repertories in use today either contain new rubrics or have added remedies to old rubrics. Often, the sources of these additions cannot be traced. Without source information the authenticity cannot be determined, which means that the new information is almost useless in clinical practice.

A need for reliability surfaced, and we met that need. Our new Reliable Repertory guarantees that every author source is dependable, which means that every rubric and remedy addition is confirmed and trustworthy.

Why are there fewer remedies and rubrics in the Reliable Repertory?

Because we have verified every source and have eliminated information that cannot be confirmed, our Reliable Repertory contains fewer remedies and rubrics than some of the other modern-day repertories on the market. We opted to create a book that puts quality ahead of quantity.

How was the project executed? 

The advisory team included Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Paresh Vasani, and Dr. Massimo Mangialavori, among other experienced and stalwart homeopaths. Kent’s repertory was used as the foundation, and a well-supervised team of homeopathic students added information from these sources:

  • The other Pioneer’s repertories (Allen, Boericke, Knerr, etc.).
  • Contemporary provings that followed acceptable protocols (for example, dream provings were not included).
  • Cases reported as cured by reliable sources.
  • Other information from reliable author sources.

What are the special features of the Reliable Repertory?

The Reference String feature is unique to the Reliable Repertory.  A right click on many of the rubrics leads to source information about the remedies listed in it. Not every remedy has a reference string, but many do. More reference strings are being added in the process of repertory updating.

In addition to the source, one can also see the context in which certain remedies have appeared in a particular rubric.

For example, we see that even though the following remedies all occur in the rubric, “Activity, desires,” they are characteristically distinct from one another:

Aurum metallicum – desires mental and physical activity, but he performs it in a hurried manner. He cannot do things fast enough and is dissatisfied with himself.

Badiaga – In spite of the headache, he still thinks clearly and desires the mental activity.

Carbolicum acidum – desires activity on a mental level, but it causes confusion and headache.

Coffea tosta – desires creative activity, performs exuberantly, and focuses mostly on previously conceived ideas.

Passer domesticus – desires activity, is highly focused, and is too “wired” to be empathetic.

What is the plan for the Reliable Repertory’s continued growth?

New provings and clinical cures are happening all the time, and these will be added to the Reliable Repertory. We will also incorporate information from new books that are released.

Look for the next version of Reliable Repertory to be released sometime in 2025!

New Materials

When you purchase Synergy Homeopathic Software (SHS) you have access to new titles that are not available in the old programs, including:

  • Jahr’s Clinical Guide and Pocket Repertory for the Treatment of Acute & Chronic Disease
  • Blackwood’s Disease of the Lungs
  • The Organon Journal
  • The International Hahnemannian Association Transactions
  • The Homeopathic Physician
  • Sankaran’s Cases
  • Sankaran’s Philosophy Collection


These new releases are also available and can be added to your SHS 1.3 program.

  • Saine’s MMPP Remedy Summaries
  • Saine’s MMPP Remedy Mongraphs
  • Vermeulen’s Plants
  • Mangialavori’s Milk Remedies
  • Mangialavori’s Arachnids
  • Mangialavori’s Rosaceae
  • Mangialavori’s Fungi
  • Mangialavori’s 100 Remedies
  • Mangialavori’s Oils (coming soon)
  • Scholten’s Sense Provings
See the complete list of add-on books, new and old, under Customize Your Library

The choice to upgrade is yours!

MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks continues to work on all Windows and Mac operating systems except for macOS Catalina and higher. But please understand that development on these programs has stopped, meaning that we no longer update the software to meet the demands of new technological challenges. We are also not formatting our new library materials for the old programs.

Due to our waning ability to tackle issues arising from changing operating systems we cannot guarantee that technical support will be successful. The old programs are becoming more and more incompatible with the newer technologies. We will give our best effort towards resolving MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks issues that arise in the coming year (2023) but since Synergy no longer has the capacity to make changes to these old programs, we will unfortunately not be able to make MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks function in some situations.

The decision to update to our NEW program, Synergy Homeopathic Software (SHS), is yours to make. Synergy hopes that you will continue to grow with us and try our new, state-of-the-art program!

[Note: SHS works on macOS High Sierra and higher, and on Windows 8.1 and higher.]

Easy Differential Diagnosis

Compare two remedies (or the same remedy in two books) side-by-side in Reference Library. You can also easily compare remedies in the Advanced Search options, and you can have multiple tabs active in any of the modules for quick access to information. In SHS 1.3, you can open multiple modules at one time and position them next to each other, which means that you can pop between remedies in rubrics and the Materia medica all on the same screen.

Expert systems from your favorite teachers

Synergy Homeopathic Software will have expert systems that you can add to your program. These will allow you to solve your cases according to your preferred methodology. Vital Quest, which follows Sankaran’s Sensation methodology, is one such system. Additional modules, planned for future releases, are the Böenninghausen Expert System, the Massimo Mangialavori Expert System…and others!

Don’t lose this opportunity

Own the most advanced and professional homeopathic software available today!

The Foundation Edition is equipped with the repertorization tools needed to practice Classical homeopathy with confidence. This Edition is perfect for students and new homeopaths.

The Professional Edition is comprised of a vast number of analysis strategies and a comprehensive library. This amazing Edition provides all the resources necessary for analyzing and resolving complex cases.

The Visionary Edition features almost every book we have to offer. This powerful Edition is excellent for expanding your research capabilities. It will inspire you to become the best, most effective homeopath you can be.

The Veterinary Edition contains more repertories and references than the Foundation Edition and includes the New World Veterinary Repertory, 2nd edition, by Pitcairn and Jensen. This Edition is a must-have for all homeopathic veterinarians.

Vital Quest Module is the first Expert System in SHS, and is an excellent add-on choice if you follow Dr. Sankaran’s methods. It is an analysis module that integrates the art and science of homeopathy and facilitates sensation prescribing.

If you have any questions, please contact your sales representative.


Synergy Homeopathic Software will empower homeopaths by providing mentorship, guidance and support in solving difficult cases.

Finally, very soon you will have the ability to work on your case anywhere – the beach, a park, on the train, at the gym.  We bring this advanced mobility feature to you soon after the first release. Accessibility will be guaranteed any time, on any device (laptop, smartphone, or tablet), and anywhere there’s an internet connection. Additionally, you’ll have the same contemporary design and intuitive navigation found on the desktop version. You’ll be able to add this feature to your licensed program for a minimal cost.
